Wildlife Control Services foremost goal is to restore peace and security to your home or place of business. Upon completion of our services you will be able to return to a safe and serene environment in which to live and work once again. This is the doctrine by which we provide our services and the desired end result of our profession.                       
A single bat plays a very important role in our ecosystem by feeding upon  
thousands of flying insects in the course of a few days. However, experience has taught and shown us that it is not a healthy decision to co-exist with a bat colony living in the same structure. If co existing with a bat colony there is a high degree of probability that in time a problem will arise in terms of a bat or bats flying in your living space at some point. Or the worse case scenario is some kind of physical contact with a bat that may or may not require medical treatment. This treatment is primarily to guard against the possible transmission of rabies since bats are a vector species and are known to carry the disease.           
 Bats in general should not be intrepreted as all being diseased or rabid. They are however a vector species animal which means they are recognized as being a high risk carrier of the rabies disease. Our experiences has shown that only a very small percentage of bats that we have had tested came back positive.                    
Chemical use or chemically induced bat colony evictions as well as  total bat colony euthanasia are illegal in most states.This practice has been commonly used by individuals in the pest control industry as we have found. This method is inhumane to say the least and often results in the loss of a very important natural resource.  
Wildlife Control Services does not endorse or support this type of  bat control method.       
Bat Info
          Bats that have been sealed within a structure will many times work their way into the living space in a short period of time.Usually the resulting scenario is a few to several dozen bats that are trying to find their way outdoors once again.This is not a desirable situation.    
      Another common mistake made is performing a bat colony evacuation /exclusion project during pup rearing periods when the pups have not matured to flight stage yet. The adult females can exit however the immature bat pups are left alone in the roost site until their return.When this mistake is made you will have disoriented juvenile bats crawling about attempting to locate the adult female to nurse.Their search will take them down the walls into the basement or into the upper level rooms by crawling through the smallest cracks or void areas that provide any kind of draft. This type of dispersal is not uncommon under these circumstances. 
                             When this occurs the client will most likely be forced to spend a few nights in a motel or at a friends home until the disoriented bats are removed one by one.The opening of as many doors and windows as possible in the flight areas will create a draft. This procedure will help direct many of those bats to the outside as they will detect and follow the draft .When possible, if dealing with only a bat or two in a home make an attempt to seal off the bats into a limited flight area such as a single room etc. This will allow a professional to locate the bat quickly if one is called and remove it. Or it will enable you to contain the problem to a specific area so that it can be sealed off. Then you can try to get some sleep and deal with the problem yourself in the morning if that is your choice.   
     One of the more common mistakes made by an inexperienced contractor or aspiring home owner is attempting to do an evacuation or structure seal at the wrong time of year. By sealing the suspected bat entry points in the fall or winter as stated on some internet bat info sites prompts many people into feeling that they are safe in doing so at this time of year. In some cases this may be true but the fact of the matter is you don't really know for sure.Those that have done this will find out if they made the right decision or not during the next warming trend or in the spring when the bats awaken to fly once again.
                Assuming that all bats migrate in the fall is not accurate. We have experienced on many occasions where bat colonies have chosen to hibernate in residential structures where conditions were suitable. At this time the colony is usually not visible. They are commonly found down inside the insulation of the walls or some other inaccessible areas of an attic that provide more suitable temperature hibernating conditions.     
        The downside of this situation is these immature bat pups will not survive without regular feeding or nursing by the attending female. Therefore a generation of bats will be lost. This scenario should not a be a desired result for any knowledgeable and experienced wildlife control specialist. Bats have developed a bad reputation for different reasons over the years most of which are unfounded. The fact is bats are a very viable and integral part of our ecological system. The average person is not really aware of the beneficial impact that bats have upon our environment.